Why is there a lack of performance or sales?

Why is there a lack of performance or sales?


  • Bullying bosses / family members Angry co-workers
  • Awkward suppliers Bitchy team members
  • Inconsiderate friends Irrational and disrespectful clients

All of the above people are part of the tapestry of life and work. But all of the above usually get in the way of your success, job satisfaction and doing the things you want and need to do.

Whilst every situation and every individual is different, here are 2 broad strategies which may help:

  1. Tune Out

There comes a stage in life where you just need to tell yourself “I’m not going to let the behavior of other people take away my joy/ job satisfaction / feel good factor”.

You emotionally detach yourself from toxic people and don’t allow what they do or say effect you. You hit the “pause” button and choose your reaction to what happens to you – because we’re all capable of doing just that (really, we are).

  1. Develop Coping Strategies

The above strategies don’t just happen overnight. They take time. And that’s why you need some coping strategies to get you through the day to day struggles of being around crazy people:

  1. Reduce your exposure to toxic people who ‘drain’ you.
    1. Toxic people are complete drains.
    2. Most interactions with them leave you feeling drained of energy.
    3. So start reducing and minimizing your exposure to them wherever possible so you get the energy to do what you need to do and change your situation over the mid term.
  2. Increase your exposure to ‘radiators’.
    1. Radiators are those people who, when you spend time with them, leave you feeling energized. You can exchange an email or text with these people and suddenly have a smile on your face and a spring in your step.

How do you handle such people?

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